Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Welcome ICLW!

Welcome first time (and repeat) visitors to The Buggy List, you can find an intro/story here, and recently (exactly 9 days ago) I found out I am pregnant again. 
Waiting to hear (TODAY) the second beta from 19dpo - but I've finally allowed myself to get excited when the second line on the Wondfo officially became darker than the test line (and yes I'm still POAS, don't judge a PGALer!)

* I've got a dinner lined up tonight with a girlfriend, for which I've already pulled the "oh no, don't bother picking up any wine - I'm on antibiotics for a root canal anyways..."

* I got two awesome doses of good news at work, the first being a nice 8.5% raise (hollah for a dollah!) and the next about the lawsuit I have been working on like a madwoman: they are (FINALLY) appealing the ridiculous document requests the other side keeps submitting (last request was 56 items...) so I am greatly relieved to have that no longer looming over my head with a deadline of 11/30...

* Send much love to Katherine who got AWESOME news that her first round of IVF worked!
* Congrats to another PGALer Weaslewam who had a great first u/s today where she heard baby's heartbeat!
* Good vibes to aspGriswold for another awesome beta draw this Friday!

And now some fun JPEGs/GIFs because this post was kinda boring... (they'll get better I promise!)


And for anyone who says chivalry's dead:

p.s. If you have PGAL (or similar) brain, please be sure to get rid of all your red blankets so that when you pull down your underwear(and/or wipe) you do not see red fuzzies and freakthefuckout for a minute thinking its blood...

that's all.


  1. Girl, I just love you! Thanks for the shout out!!! Sending happy vibes for your 2nd BETA!!!

  2. Yay for a darker line! And congrats on the raise! Winning!

  3. Congratulations on the pregnancy - sending lots of hugs to you! x

  4. Here from iclw. Congrats! You made me lol (for real) with the red fuzzie comment.

  5. Congradulations!!! What great humor you have! thanks for the smiles and giggles

  6. hi from ICLW - congrats on your recent news! Fingers crossed for awesome BETAS!!!!
