It wasn't all a dream... it really happened...
*images in camera are darker than they appear
I have created a checklist - things to do so you don't go BATSHITCRAZY as PGAL:
1. keep POAS. I don't care how dark it is (ok I do, it better get darker...) as long as there's still a line... I live for the mornings now - as soon as I see the second line for the day, it's hurry up work, hurry up dinner, hurry up sleep - so I can test again in the morning just to make sure!!
2. call Dr - ask when is the soonest they can do an u/s (even if you can't see baby/sac/fetalpole yet) to make sure it's not ectopic...
.... and that's as far as I've gotten so far... lol
I DO need to call and ask about the amoxicillin I'm supposed to be taking. I know dental health is something that should be taken care of while TTC, I just hope it's ok to be taking the antibiotic now...
Because right now, I'm pregnant....
Congrats to you! I am the same way, obsessed with the sticks. I compare, I rip them open, I squint and agonize, etc, etc....