Thursday, July 27, 2017

Learning to Give...

tomorrow is E's birthday...

I've fallen down on gift-buying, what with traveling to California (what, I forgot to tell you went there for a week?!) and then Button's birthday party (go Amazon prime and photoshop at 11pm the night before the party...and wait - HE'S FOUR YEARS OLD?!) and all of a sudden it's the day before E's birthday, but he already opened gifts from his family the night after Button's party, so it'll just be us and the kids tonight - low-key dinner at the house and some gift opening.

So while I've horribly slacked (I only have one cool gadget thingy I happened to see while in Staples last week buying a computer monitor for work...) Button is on top of it all (with influence/help from Mom).

We went to the $1 store this past weekend with some money and a mission:

5 items.

5 dollars.

Button gets to pick whatever he wants to get for Daddy's birthday.

So we start down the first aisle - and the excitement drove him to grab one of the first things he saw -
"Oooooo how about soap for Daddy?"

(Soap = V05 conditioner. LMAO)

"Oh, look - VANILLA soap for Daddy!"

I said, "Are you sure that's what you want to get Daddy?" while trying not to crack up.

He confirmed it, and I tried to keep him from grabbing four more things, rapid-fire - pushing him through to the next aisles. (You're welcome E - you won't be getting a dish sponge or a stack of paper plates!)

So in addition to the cool gadget thingy I got him, E will be opening tonight:

  1. a bottle of V05 coconut hair conditioner
  2. a plastic dart board game
  3. a DOG BRUSH ("so he can brush his Rocco-dog!")
  4. a giant plastic magnet (but it really works!)
  5. and a glow TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle necklace.

With that loot, I'm not even sure we need a cake!