Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Leaking and can't remember my witty title...

So I was parked on the couch all day Sunday, unshowered in my PJs, watching the tail end of a movie I'd never seen - The Ant Bully.

Apparently some kid was being mean to ants, so some ant wizard shrunk him to their size so he could begin to empathize with the ants... (who the hell is writing kids' movies lately?? This is the best you could come up with??)
Anyways - so like I said - I only saw the last 20 minutes or so.  So who the hell can explain why I started crying when the little boy was finally able to "THINK like an ant!" motivated by the cheers of the six-legged colony?!?!

And don't get me started on the brain farts... by 6:30 I still hadn't moved from the couch (except for numerous bathroom and kitchen trips for emptying of bladder and filling of stomach) when I got a text from a girlfriend:

"Hey is everything ok?"


Apparently, the plans I made to have dinner at my girlfriend's, Sunday night at 6pm, completely just up and left my brain at some point...

BUT - I will gladly take the embarassing sob fests at poorly-written children's movies and a seive for a brain for this pregnancy...
First appointment is a week from Thursday - and I'm already considering staging the ultimate PGAL freak out with the nurse who helped me through the mc, in hopes that she'll suggest an u/s NOW to ease my mind... At least these first few weeks feel like they're passing quicker than the first pregnancy - it probably didn't help that I checked my ticker/countdown apps HOURLY as opposed to the every-other-day fashion I have currently adopted...

Also - please send serious hugs and T&Ps to LauraKat and her husband, she just news of a not-so-great 2nd beta...

1 comment:

  1. Yep, pregnancy will do that. Then sleep deprivation continues to wreak havoc on your brain after the baby's born. Eventually you just get used to permanently functioning with diminished mental capacity.

    Visiting from ICLW.
