Friday, October 12, 2012

The New BPF

So I was browsing the cursed FB the other day, and saw this...

No I didn't post a big fat, F*CK YOU TOO in response.  I read, shook my head, and thought - our love, as mothers, is gonna be TEN TIMES what yours is*...earned and growing through the tears, sweat (at EVERY u/s hoping for good news), pain (after learning of BAD news), hope (with every twinge in the 2ww) and utter and complete faith.
*not that one mother is capable of loving more than the next, but I guarantee you all understand what I'm saying...

Mother or not, we all love.  We all deserve love. 

And we all deserve to have a BPF too! 
what is a BPF you ask?

I've recently learned that BPF - not to be confused with a BFP - stands for Bump Photo Friday.


Don't feel left out! I'm making our OWN Photo Friday, called Buff Photo Friday. (*maybe eventually I'll get it to where we're all linked up with an icon or some cool thing - any good graphic designers?
I'll go first!
This is where I get to flaunt my baby-free FLAT stomach. 
(yes, what I wouldn't GIVE to be bloated or bump-tastic - but we can't forget - if you look too far forward, you're gonna miss the here and now!)

So I'm gonna enjoy the flat tummy I have, here and now, because I know one day - I'll look back, with an infant (or two!) in my arms, and say, DAMN I remember those days...
(And if you remember, I DO eat. Alot.  I'm just stretched out on a 5'10" frame... =P)
((one last set of parantheses - perpetual pile of clothes in the corner.  it NEVER GOES AWAY. *sigh*))

So - let your BPF flag fly! (and link in a comment your BPF - can't wait to see them all!)
Even if you're cycling with meds and feel like you're bloated and swollen, post. 
Post because we deserve this too. 
Post because we know that, one day, that belly is gonna grow.
Post because we KNOW love:

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