Monday, July 2, 2012

Surprise Surprise...

no really - a Surprise birthday party.

And it is sooooooo hard to plan a surprise party for someone who has been cheated on in the past.

Ok, yea - maybe I should start from the beginning...

E had a gf in college for a few years.  She started acting all shady and suspicious and he started to get a gut feeling.  She would hide her phone and and close it quickly if she got a call/text with E around.  So he confronted her and she was all, "I have no clue what you're talking about.  You're crazy, I would never do that - can't you just trust me?"

He found out from a mutual friend that she had been sleeping with some guy the last couple of weeks.  He called her up and went to her dorm and asked to see the stuff he'd gotten her in the past (guitar, gifts, etc.) without revealing that he knew.  He proceeded to smash the guitar, and trash everything and told her he knew, etc.

SO - excessive distrust for awhile, understandably.  And I know deep down E knows I would never EVER do that to ANYONE, especially him.  But.

I've been texting people late at night, because they're insisting E can see the event on F.acebook (freak out on my part).

When I open an email on my phone and the subject is "Evite - SSSHH" and someone's RSVPing, I have to quickly turn off the phone if he's around.

I'll admit - it does look a little shady.  Saturday morning was an email RSVP that I had to quickly close out. 

Eric finally said something.  And he probably felt a little deja vue when I said, "seriously - you honestly think I would ever do something like that to you??"

I just couldn't believe when he said, "But I've HEARD all this before!"

So I said, "I'll tell you EVERYTHING if you want.  Right now.  It'll ruin something for you, but if you need it, I will tell you EVERYTHING I'm doing.    YES, I AM hiding something right now - but I promise you will find out aaaall about it!"

I think that helped, and he seemed to be fine the rest of the weekend UNTIL....

Saturday, we went to our friend's new apartment to have a few beers and help break the place in... We ended up at a bar down the street for some food and more drinks.

So this guy approached our table, where the girls were all sitting at one end (and apparently looking unattached...) and started talking to my one friend who's engaged.

Her fiance, sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HER, was like, hey man - enough.  That's my fiance.

So he apologized.  And moved on to me and V - the apartment guy's girlfriend.  I don't even know what this guy was saying - I was focused on E at the other end of the table: a few beers in and getting his green beer muscles.

He doesn't normally start fights, but that night he quietly says across the whole table to our new friend, "Hey buddy - move on."  The kid apparently forgot to wear his lenses that night and missed the death ray glare coming from E, who then said, "Seriously bro." (I'm sorry, but E c'mon - "BRO?!")

He said, "Seriously bro, I'm not F*CKING amused anymore.  You need to step the F*CK away. NOW."

This was all said in a low I'm-not-dicking-around voice your parents used to use - and you would have preferred them yell than to do that almost-whisper that meant BUSINESS.

The whole sitch was kinda funny - because E is NEVER like this.  Last time a guy approached me at a bar, it was my birthday and E was like, hey - get as many free drinks out of the guy as you can!
You want me to do WHAT?

All's well that ends well - we got back to the house with our friends A and J (the engaged couple) who were staying the night.  We proceeded to ROCK OUT on guitar hero - until FOUR AM.  Someone please remind future K - she is NOT 21 anymore!!!

*TTC news - OPKs are getting darker, and we're inching closer to CD19/20 and O time! 

puts GameFace on
*best N.ike swoosh I could do... lol

P365 (no clue what day)

I'm a music freak - been playing for 20+ years.

HOLY COW - that's a longtime... lol


  1. I'm sure it doesn't help that you're getting all these texts from a new friend in Iowa all the time lately! I hate that he was put through the cheating ringer like I was once... That's a story I feel like sharing via email though!

    I think you handled it well by saying that you are hiding something but he will find out about it soon. Hopefully he doesn't think it's a bday thing though... GOOD LUCK :)

    1. =) doesn't help no, but I wouldn't give it up for anything!!
