Friday, April 10, 2015

quick blurb...

it's Friday.

And not "Foodie Friday" because I get to bring home 2 containers from a luncheon at work, thus saving me from having* to cook...

*And I actually really resent this lately - E gets to be the "friend" to Button and play outside and goof off after work/daycare while I'm the "parent" - cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry (if I waited until after Button was in bed, it would never get done.  I'm too tired to do much at that point...) 


Other news: 5DPO.

I'm already symptom spotting...

*slaps own wrist* STOP IT!!!

hopefully the weekend (and first 4 days of next week!) passes quickly - my intentions are to hold out until 11DPO (Thursday) to test...

Weekend at least should go pretty quickly as we have a christening for Dee's son tomorrow (I really hope it doesn't interfere with Button's nap time, but I have a feeling it, of course, will...)

I'll be counting down the next 55 minutes until the work day ends - and then I'll be stopping for some hard ciders.

'Cuz it is only 5DPO...


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