Thursday, April 2, 2015

In sleep

One night recently, I tiptoed into your room, your daddy at my side.

We do this nightly - this ritual of tucking you back under your blanket, of chasing away any lingering bad dreams that were waiting, of layering soft kisses across your brow...

Some nights you stir and shift, pulling off the blanket that we once again pull up your pajama-clad body.  Other nights, sleep has solidly claimed you and your soft snore continues uninterrupted. 

Once in awhile, your little blonde head picks up just an inch - your eyes in sleepy slits - and you let out a contented sigh as you settle back in with your bed buddies, a veritable jungle of monkeys, giraffes and elephants...

On the recent night I tiptoed into your room with your daddy, it was a night that you didn't stir as we watched your lips pucker, surely enjoying some sweets in a far-off dreamland. 

Yet, as we prepared to surrender you to sleep, as we shared our nightly sigh of contentment, you let out a breathy single word...


With a slight smile, you called out my name in your sleep... and as I walked out of your nursery with that sweet sleepy sound on my ears, I left behind my heart, grasped so tightly in your little boy arms, right next to your monkey and giraffe...


  1. That's just so incredibly heart warming! I would pay big bucks to know what they're dreaming about... :)

  2. SO moving!! I love how he says mommy in his sleep. You wrote so eloquently here! Love it :) ... You will cherish these memories for a lifetime
