Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I Dreamed a Dream...

... of clothes gone byyyyyyyyy...
of skinny waists and no stretch panels....

I think I'm officially in maternity clothes....

Ok, I don't think, I AM.  

I start to pull them out, the maternity clothes, and think - but shit, I'm only 12 weeks tomorrow, this is ridiculous. 

And then I remember that even my undone slacks were TIGHT after lunch yesterday...

So now I'm rocking a paneled black pencil skirt today - and GAWD this bitch feels awesome!
Me at work now...

And speaking of dreams - HOLY COW, The Dreams!

Two nights ago, ALL IN ONE DREAM:
 - I had a baby that my dream-self had NO RECOLLECTION of the pregnancy past like, 8weeks...
 - I tried to breastfeed said baby
 - After difficulty with above, I tried to see if baby would latch onto E'S NIPPLES...
 - After baby latched to E, I tried to breastfeed our dog (?!?!??!!?) to see if the problem was me...
The whole dog-BF'ing thing? so gross...

I mean, what happened to the good sex dreams?

I've had James McAvoy

and (although a bit young for my regular taste) Josh Hutcherson - Peeta was yummy... 

but to go along with the weird dreams lately, last night was... (I hate to admit this!) Kris Humphries....

(ok ok - he normally looks like this:)
He DOES have height going for him, being the tallest of my dream paramours, which has points for this 5'10" gal...

Oh... did I mention - TWELVE WEEKS TOMORROW?! so excited to hit plum-stage!

P.S. - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (and Happy 14 weeks!) to Weaslewam!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, graduate from prune stage... yikes! I love the dream summaries! I think these are the best things to try and remember IMHO.
