Thursday, August 2, 2012

the Shock Factor

To start off with good news, my good blogger friend Wease, and soon to be IRL bestie, at More Salt is coming to visit for 4 days and arrives tonight!!  (I'm so freaking excited, I sit here at my desk at work, dancing like a 3rd grader on a Friday afternoon before a big sleepover!)

Every minute of every day is planned and scheduled with beach time, shopping, paddleboarding, martini time, NYC sight-seeing - and TONS of pictures - GET READY for an epic post on Sunday night from this most-likely exhausted gal!

But this morning turned VERY weird when the pregnant coworker came back into the office in tears.  Said she made an emergency doctor's appointment, she needed to go NOW, she was spotting and having really bad cramping.

I said OF COURSE! Go go, and I hope everything's ok.  And I sincerely meant that, cuz really - who the hell would really wish all of this on their worst enemy?

She text me within the hour to say she'd lost the baby, with a sad Android face, and that she'd be back in on Monday.
Me: "Oh I'm so sorry Asst... not a problem, take time to rest and heal..."
Her: "I go for a scrape on wednesday"


I'm sorry, WHAT?!
I sat and stared at my phone.  I couldn't believe she just said that.  A SCRAPE?!

Inner monologe begins:
Maybe that's what the doctor called it and she's just repeating it because she doesn't know that the term is "D&C."
But really? I don't think a doctor would say, "ok you'll need to schedule a scrape soon..."
So... maybe she's just angry and in shock.
But no, c'mon - even this is a little too much, coming from her... WHAT THE FUCK!?

I've decided to give her the benefit of the doubt - the shock and trauma obviously MUST have really hit her... but sometimes I wonder about people...

 It rained yesterday - and made cool spider webs catch and keep dew drops, just for me to photograph!

And lots of pretty green grass that caught the rest...

(and no, our lawn is NOT that long - it's some decorative long grass growing in our flower beds... bees or no, E is religious about keeping the lawn mown!)

So I stayed inside and got the ready for Wease to arrive, according to "Bunny Williams' Tips to Prep Your Home for Houseguests" from Country and Living!

Set out some nice flowers (dried counts right??)

Make sure your guest has a nice lamp to read by (just make sure there's oil in this antique hurricane lamp!)

And when I was done sprucing up (ok not much sprucing up was done - mostly took pictures - cleaning still to be done in the 2.5 hours until I run to the airport tonight) I rocked out in my haven:


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