Friday, May 1, 2015

just... stuff. (5w5d)

It's Friday, it's been a few days since I blogged -so for the sake of it (and so it doesn't grow to be weeks in between posts...)

one week  until our first appointment and ultrasound...

Time is admittedly passing pretty quickly (quicker than the first two pregnancies for sure) with a toddler to keep busy with... especially when he wakes up crying like he did last night (thankfully, a quick diaper change and he was back to sleep...)

I had to re-wash a load of laundry THREE TIMES because I kept forgetting about it and never moved it to the dryer... (stank. just gross.)

I'm just glad it's Friday - work has been getting on my nerves.

More honestly, I'm 10x worse than when I PMS and so, feel super bitchy towards everyone (but mostly just the administrator who feels like it's fun to waste my time with pointless meetings - the information gets repeated to me by the owner minutes later... and again by the administrator (again!) later in the day...)

I digress.

Got a cold sore Wednesday morning (the first one I've had in about 3 years...yuck) so I'm grateful there's no big plans this weekend that require me showing my face...

There's less than two weeks (13 days!) until our Cancun trip, and I'm so freaking excited to be incommunicado - work cannot call or text me for any "EMERGENCIES" - praise jaysus hallelujah...
I will most likely have to check email (only ONCE A DAY!) with the hotel's free wi-fi-, but I am drawing the line there.

13 more days...


  1. Never been to Cancun. Sounds like a fun vacation. Hope you get the chance to relax.

  2. Enjoy Cancun!

    I've been doing the same thing with the laundry recently. My husband actually ended up taking care of a load last week because he had run out of underwear. :P
