Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Not what was promised...

But at least a little something...

I've been meaning to get over here and get some events and pictures jotted down, and I keep putting it off, wincing at the fact that I STILL haven't done the Birthday Post...

And if I waited until I had all my shit together (*ahem - what TourTuesday series?!) it would be another week until I posted...

So, as long as I can commandeer the computer from E tonight at home, I will get together 1 - The Birthday Post and 2 - the Tour Tuesdays (which I can hopefully just finish at least 2 and pre-schedule-post them... (also brewing in the Post-Pot is big boy's first trip to Texas! (we just returned Monday afternoon))
(He was SO SO SO SO good on the plane rides - four in total!!!)

We saw my friend Dee's little Cameron again the other day:
SO stinkin' cute (literally stinky - he farts like a true champ!) and Ben adored him:
Which, if I'm being honest, made my ovaries tremble just a bit... I mean, I don't really think I want 2U2... but Ben was so gentle with the baby! 
I was eating pineapple the other day at lunch and couldn't help but flashback to the core-eating days...
While I'm not on any BC at the moment, except the P&P (*pull&pray*) method, I think we're somewhat TTA for now...

In a perfect world, I'd like #2 to be born late next fall. (which means TTC begins Christmas time!!)
But also, in a perfect world, BFP#1 wouldn't have ended so disastrously, but that means... Ben wouldn't be here. 
Grateful for this imperfect world...

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