Friday, May 2, 2014


How awful - I started this post on accountability.  I started it weeks ago... way to go on accountability to the blog!

Anyways, here goes:

So whenever I apparently began writing this post, the prior day I had gotten on the scale and was down 6.5 lbs from the starting weight when I began the WorkOut-WeightLoss Buggy List item... GO ME!

aaaaaand then I spent the past week with family:
(Mom and Dad from TX! Brother, SIL and 6mo-baby girl from WA! Sister, BIL and two more nieces from MA!) at a house in the Poconos where we ate, and drank, and played games (foosball! pool! pingpong!) and I got back on the scale when we returned home to discover I was back up 4 lbs....

#SorryNotSorry - I had way too much fun during our "Family Reunion" to regret the late night beer pong games with Mom (who says you can't teach an old dog middle-aged woman new tricks??) and the constant snacking on home-made chex-mix... we fit in exercise where we could: hikes (for which I toted Ben in his emptied-out diaper-bag-turned-sling because this mom forgot a carrier) and visits to this awesome incredible amazing place:
Dingman's Falls

We made homemade ice cream, ziploc baggie style, and glow-bracelets and attempted glow-bubbles (my sister is a little pinterest-crazy...)

(I'm sorry to bust this pinterest-myth: while the bubble solution glowed fabulously in the bottles, the neon colors did not translate well - ok, at ALL - to the actual bubbles...)

We saw BEARS the first night - four little cubs that climbed waaaaay up in the trees... My dad's theory was that Mama Bear (who we did not see) heard noises and said to her little cubs, "You climb that tree and DON'T COME DOWN until I come back!"


Hola1 Hola2 Hola2

We came home last Friday and guests slowly made their trips back home - one day Mom and Dad flew back to TX, the next day Brother and family flew back to WA, and life chez Buggy List slowly returned to normal... or whatever we call the craziness here...

But here we are - May 2 - and I've got to hold myself accountable for the goals I set for myself a few weeks ago...
  • schedule dentist appointment (for *ahem* a root canal I was supposed to have done 2 months ago...) see below
  • call dentist for claim forms to submit to Aflac  Got claim forms, faxed to Aflac - just yesterday received a piece of mail from Aflac - they need a different claim form from the dentist, so back on the list this one goes... grrrrr...
  • schedule dermatologist appointment (How much time is left in April?!) <-- was my original note on this goal when I started writing this post... The other night I spotted another mole that seems to have grown in size so this is going to the top of the list for May...
  • REALLY start training for July Mud-Run  DONE - running approx 2-3 times a week; I could technically ramp up the strength training - arm, leg and abs. (Updated note - I did jack-shit (pardonez le francais) over the past two weeks (see above-mentioned beer and chex-mix) and so I really need to get back into training, ESPECIALLY as the weather has consistently gotten nicer (except that random - "hey it's 70 degrees toda- SURPRISE here's some snow!" that we got right around Easter, which of course killed my daffodils and perennials...)

My next goal/accountability item, I feel a little bit more successful at... A loss-mom in blogland just had her sweet son's second birthday in heaven, and thanks to generous and thoughtful strangers across the world blogland and their RAKEs, there is a beautiful book display in memory of her angel at the local library (with a few books donated in the name of a baby my MIL lost before 12 months to childhood leukemia, and also Ben's middle-name-sake.)

And with an official crawler on our hands (ACK! Can you believe it?!) we ramped up our baby-proofing process:
I've got the cords to our blinds all tucked and tied up; I lowered Ben's mattress myself the other night* only after the fourth time E tells me "I'll do it tonight when I get home from work"
*and by the other night I mean two three months ago... this whole concept of time eludes me now...

I moved the monitor (it had been sitting on the end railing of his crib) when, one morning I peered into our video monitor and saw a close-up of baby lips and nose- Ben was trying to pull the monitor down - hello cord!!!!!! And again, it's been four days of E telling me he'll wall mount the damn thing... *NOTE at publishing - here we are days after the initial writing of that paragraph and GUESS WHAT STILL ISN'T WALL MOUNTED...

And yet - day after day, I get the flippant comment from E that I'm not taking safety seriously, which just steams my beans:
fBFF, her DH and their DS (18months) came over last night two weeks ago - and their son almost fell down our basement stairs (carpeted thankfully) because - GUESS WHO forgot to shut the basement door?!

Accountability, my dear DH...
(I guess I have to give him a little credit - just last night he anchored to the wall a very tall, top heavy dresser in our room... But that's only one down, and at least four more pieces of furniture to go!)

SO - May's Goals List:
  • call again the dentist for different claim forms to submit to Aflac
  • call again the dentist for appt (once Aflac pays claim)
  • schedule dermatologist appointment
  • RE-start training for July Mud-Run
  • Make eye-doctor appointment - I have my last pair of contacts in right now!
  •  load pictures from Poconos! (OMG the pictures... so. many. to process...)
  • finalize editing on pictures from maternity shoot I did for D (7 months pregnant already! WHAT?!)
  • load pictures from D's baby shower (while I'm on Pictures!)
  •  Get E to finally wall-mount monitor (or end up doing the damn thing myself!
  • Get E to install baby gates at base and top of stairs (Ben climbed halfway up the staircase the other day! *Don't worry - babysitter was right behind him the whole way... but he's capable!)
  • Get E to finish anchoring furniture to walls

Do the goals that I'm listing for E actually count?? lol

And speaking of accountability, I'm going to face some on Monday when my boss returns to work so I better get back to the grind!

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