Friday, December 4, 2015

A Tale of Three Stories...

As the EDD just passed for my first pregnancy (11/30 in fact... I didn't even realize it had come and gone until the night of December 1st, as I was sharing facebook pictures of my brother's new baby boy, born on 11/30...)  I began remembering the days I told E I was pregnant - three different times, three different styles, each pretty appropriate, I think, to the situation...

The big exciting BFP #1 was on Monday March 19, 2012... We had celebrated St Patty's Day the Saturday before, where I honestly can't remember if I drank at all or not... I probably had a beer or two (versus my usual party of drinks and shots) I remember sitting on our front stoop that Sunday evening (in unseasonably warm March weather) munching on a leftover cookie, thinking it tasted a little funny... (ooo a pregnancy sign??)
I tested that Monday morning after E had gone to work (I think 12DPO).  I grinned at my little secret all day at work, and that night E and I went into NYC to The Aspen Lounge for a white party (something like that: everyone wears white...)
As we sat waiting for our friend to meet us there pre-party, I slid my phone to E on the bar, with a picture of the positive digi pulled up (which E had at first thought was a picture of fBFF's recent +HPT (which had ended in a CP 2 days later)).
So, we were thrilled/excited - 10 months after going off of BCP, we finally got pregnant!
We were also cautious, having just vicariously lived through fBFF's CP a week or two prior...
We enjoyed sneaking me mocktails (cranberry & seltzer) all night as we kept our little secret between the two of us...

The next BFP (#2) was on November 12, 2012 at 11DPO.  Again, I tested after E had left for work (I think I preferred him not knowing I was actually testing, and waiting outside the door for either heartbreak or nervous excitement...)
Again, I nervously patted my secret little sweet-pea all day at work, and when I got home later that night, couldn't keep a grin off my face when in the kitchen with E... and upon seeing my goofy grin (and knowing we were approximately at test time) he started smiling, and said - "What? Why are you smiling like that?" (I think he knew what was coming...)
And it was a nonchalant, "I tested this morning, it was positive..."
So there we were again, excited - but nervous as hell after the last disastrous experience where we made it all the way through the first 8-9 weeks. and thought we were nearly out of the first trimester, only to start all over again at 3w4d...

The most recent BFP (#3) was on Tuesday April 14, 2015 at 9DPO(I still can't believe I tested at 9DPO... not even with FMU!) I had gotten violently ill with a (mercifully quick) stomach bug Monday night, and so was home sick Tuesday...
Something made me go POAS around lunch time (I think it was the fact I was ravenous after having just had a stomach bug, and it usually takes me a day or two to get back to my regular appetite).  Nothing showed up within the 5 minute wait time, but then when I checked it hours later (wait - you don't save your pee sticks for hours? how about DAYS?!) I convinced myself I saw a shadow of a line...
And lo and behold, the next morning FMU provided a barely-there squinter (that showed up in the recommended wait time!)
I didn't even tell E until Thursday night (after two more days of every-so-slightly darkening HPT lines... why did I wait? I didn't want him to get excited only to have it ripped away within hours by a CP...) but then I felt the giddy excitement from our first BFP - while I knew there was a long way to go, I wanted to find a cute way to tell him...  (which ended up not even working as E wasn't paying attention, so I ended up shoving a positive digi in his face... classy. at least the cap was on the pee end!)

But his reaction?
Way better than any of the prior BFPs... he got little-kid-before-christmas excited, tossed Button in the air, yelling, "You're gonna be a big brother! You wanna be a big brother?!"
(And Button just fed off his daddy's excitement, whatever it was for, and started squealing, "YEA!")

Each experience was so unique, so clearly remembered - as well as the experiences when the pregnancy ended: Feeling stoic while waiting for surgery to remove "products of conception" at what was supposed to be 12weeks...
Feeling the is-this-real?! as we sat in the hospital watching contractions hit every 4 minutes and learning Button was coming now and not in his scheduled two days...

And now... one week left of work (that can't pass quick enough) and then, days (how many?!) to nest with this little girl, as numerous BraxtonHicks make me wonder if she'll decide to jump the gun on her scheduled eviction date just like her big brother...

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