Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A laugh at last...

After a crappy morning - where it was just one thing after another - I finally got a really good smile, and a laugh, out of this:

So - the turquoise is officially BUH-BYE from the nursery, and we are painting bathroom tonight!

REAALLY funny convo E and I just had about paint today (backstory is the paint store royally screwed up one color... Like, we wanted THIS:
And instead we got this:
 So I asked E if he was able to get to the store today and what happened...

ME: you go back to the paint store today?
E**:  yea
the guy was pissed
but gave me the paint
and i cock slapped him
and ran out laughing hysterically
until i rem i forgot the paint and had to go back and get it

...aaaand I said how embarassed he must have been. lol

It feels like this will never all be done... we've turned into this guy when it comes to finishing up the bathroom and nursery...
Progress pictures to come soon...

(and speaking of pictures - We took our what-was-supposed-to-be-weekly-but-is-now-monthly bump shots over the weekend, and I had so much fun looking back at the 20-24week pictures and remember thinking at the time how "Big" the bump was getting... ha!)

Some silly shots from 17weeks and 31w2d...

P.S. ((OH YEA! and Happy 1 year Blogversary to me last Thursday!!!!))


  1. You have the cutest baby bump ever!

  2. Happy blogversary! I love these bump pics, how come I haven't seen them before?
