Monday, May 28, 2012

Catching Up!

I think I'm going to end up a M-F blogger =) weekends lately are just too full for me to sit down at my computer!  so for a brief BUGGY ITEM #1 (and #2) recap, then I will return you to normally scheduled programming...

BFF date night on Friday was great, even though my friend, D, was on antibiotics for a lower GI infection (she insisted on keeping our date, love her for it - I think she knew I really needed to see her... talked out loud for the first time about the miscarriage, and while I had to stop at one point to cry, I really think it helped... E thinks so too, and thinks I should keep trying to talk about it with friends, so dinner night Friday with O!)

Buggy List item #1 - I tried two martinis that I have never had before (here or elsewhere!) and mmmmm they were yummy =)
 The first was their "Sparking Pink" - a martini.  I'm not usually a fan of sweet martinis, so I had my reserves - but that's what this list is all about, getting out and trying new things! Sparking Pink was:
exclusiv vodka, st. germain elderflower liqueur, pink
grapefruit juice with a champagne float
The second was "Fig Dream" - also a martini, and I can't find the description as it was a brand new menu item, but it had Fig vodka!  Also yummy too, and my friend D, after hearing of the Buggy List and the reason for straying from my tried-and-true Lychee-tini, sipped both and being a fan of sweet drinks, still loooooved these two!

ONWARD to Buggy List item #2 - I have officially purchased a Groupon for 10 sessions of Hot Yoga.  
I am definitely excited to try this, but I have this niggling feeling that winter, with a nice 20degrees to greet you at the door, might have been the best time to try this...
First class scheduled for Friday night!!!  (I keeping thinking of those commercials for a Zumba game for Xbox/PS3/Wii where the girls are all hot, and glistening and hair nicely styled - what we all WISH we looked like while working out!!) 
You think you look like this:

You REALLY look like this:

back to regular programming...


Every Memorial Day, my husband E stands with the rest of the town's firefighters for outdoor services from 8am until noon.   Because they're required to wear full dress uniforms, he almost always comes home DRENCHED in sweat (which is fun because the uniforms are, of course, dry clean only!)

And even as I complain of the extra time and expenses a dry clean uniform requires, I forget what the holiday is all about.

Today is  a MEMORIAL to all those who have fought (and died) for us.  Each year, the services memorialize the losses we've suffered as a town: fire department, EMS, police department - 2 of these 3 are volunteer.  We've only had one active line-of-duty death in the past 6 years in the fire department.  My husband, and his entire company, were very close to the fire fighter and still dedicate (even throughout the year) numerous toasts and barbeques to "L."

I sit here today and remind myself that these men and women we are remembering and honoring today, my husband included, VOLUNTEER themselves for this dangerous job.  It's an incredible and incredibly selfless thing to do.

I don't think I can fully express it, but I am so so gratefuly that there are people in the world like you!

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