Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Seriously, Norah Roberts??

Ok so it wasn't Norah Roberts, per say, but I'm sick of these romance novels where the silly female lead, most usually a virgin, doesn't pay any attention to protection during the hot steamy sex with the slutty male lead, and 3 months in finally decides to take a pregnancy test and
Guess who's knocked up!


I used to think these books were so cute, and they all follow nearly the same formula - she tries to hide her pregnancy (after she finds out at 3 months!) from him so he won't think she's trying to trap him.  He's secretly thrilled that she's pregnant so now he can trap HER with marriage cuz *SNAP* he just realized he luh-luh-LOVES her...

If only I'd paid more attention to these books in highschool when I was only reading them for the smutty sex scenes!  (Note to you guys - just skip straight to 50 Shades of Grey for the smut - it's also ****SPOILER ALERT**** a little more realistic - she forgot to go in for her Depo shot and gets KU... lol)

For those wondering How to get pregnant:

1. Find a STEAMINGLY hot, play-boy type, preferrably righ guy.
2. Be sure to keep your virginity until you meet said guy.
3. Introduce a little alcohol, like a single glass of white wine, because you're a good girl and don't normally drink much...
4. Have a hot steamy sex scene that skips over the "do you have a towel or anything?" part and just cuddle, ignore the mess...
5. Fast forward 3 months - Congratulations on your pending motherhood!

Personal update - whether you're TTC or TTA*, 2WW's just never go away... My post mc 2ww* is almost up, though we'll probably wait just a tad longer to make sure... But next up for the Nook: Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy! (more smut - woohoo!!  So if you liked 50 Shades, check this trilogy out!!)

*there'll eventually be a glossary, but til then (if I can remember each post):

TTC - Trying to Conceive
TTA - Trying to Avoid
2ww - Two Week Wait (mostly used for the 2 weeks between ovulation and when you can take PG test)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just saw your comments on my blog. You're right - it's terribly sad that there are other people out there that can connect in this way but it's so much easier to type out your pain than it is to relive it face to face. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I know you know exactly what I'm going through because you literally are going through exactly what I'm going through right now.

    Thanks for reaching out to talk. I definitely hope that we can talk openly with one another about our experiences.

    Good luck to you and your husband - and I totally plan on reading all of your blog posts :)
