Friday, May 25, 2012

"Your WHAT comes out during your period?!"

Hopefully E will forgive me for this, but I had to tell this story. =)

We were getting ready for bed last night (me reading my Nook and him changing into those basketball shorts guys are so fond of sleeping in) when he said, "So when are you supposed to get your period?"

I was a little confused because he was asking as if I was supposed to get it any minute... I just had a D&C 1.5 weeks ago from which the spotting was just starting to taper off. 

So I looked at him and said, in a kind of duh shouldn't you know this mind set, "anywhere from 4-6 weeks I've heard.."

He couldn't believe it could be "that long!"  I turned into Teacher K, kind of like when I used to play school with my little sister and made her take fake tests with questions like "what color is a zebra" and I would actually take it and grade it.  Never as fun as when we played grocery store and pushed our twin beds together with me standing in the middle, swiping "items" down our bedspreads saying "beep, beep, beep..."

"Honey, why do you think a period happens?" I asked him.  He just kinda shrugged, said "No clue."

He was FLABBERGASTED when I told him, "A typical period is the uterus realizes there was no implantation of a fertilized egg, so it sheds its lining in preparation for the next cycle."

For some reason I just found it really funny that he was semi-grossed out, semi-amazed, and completely thrilled to have just been educated - no sarcasm here, I could have just told him the solution to World Peace and world famine all together.

As we were turning out the lights and falling asleep, he rolled over and mumbled "I can't believe your vagina falls out during your period..."

1 comment:

  1. Lmao! That was great! Totally something my DH would have said!
