Thursday, January 23, 2014

need a laugh?

Check off two things from the "What To Expect After You've Expected" ...

1. So Tuesday I put on a cardigan, and was on my way out of the house for work when I noticed a shoulder full of dried spit-up...

2. Today, I am rocking a maternity dress. 
Because it's really comfortable. 
And I can pretend the bloat (from too much wine, too much being sick and loading up on salty chicken stock, and too much over-eating - Don't forget, you're not BFing anymore! no more extra calories!) is a little bump, so when the lady in DD's is all, "aw when are you due?"
I give a little smile and say "June" and order my two breakfast sandwiches, donut and coffee, SKIM MILK, of course...

This lead me to a little Buggy List action - I'm not listing starting or goal weight (so whoever's reading will not feel worse (or better!) about themselves) but I'd like to lose the last 5 lbs of baby weight that has crept back on, as well as an extra 5 lbs that seemed to crop up the last few years - you know, you get married and all of a sudden you just don't watch how many beers you have during the football/hockey season!

I've got a bikini-trip coming up with girlfriends as well as a 3K tough-mudder to train for, so with the proper motivation, let's see if we can get that scale to move!

Got a nice jump start this morning - literally (gotta love those 5 minute workouts all over Pinterest!):
          30 jumping jacks
          5 Pushups **did the girly from-your-knees kinds
          25 High Knees **did 20...  I'll get there!
          7 Burpees **(I think I only did 5... .lol)
          10 Crunches **I did 15 for this!
          7 Squats
          5 Pushups (girly kind)
          10 Crunches (again did 15!)
          5 Pushups (girly kind)
          7 Squats **skipped this set, will work it in as I get stronger...
          30 Jumping Jacks (hair was flopping ALL OVER at this point.... lol)
          1 Minute Wall Sit *ha - after the squats, I only managed 30 seconds...
          5 more Girl Pushups
           aaaaaand I threw on 30 seconds of plank pose to finish it off!

I'm going to aim for a Pinterest-5-minute workout each morning, as well as a minimum of 10 minutes on the elliptical at night (plus any additional weight-training I feel like doing)

Here We Go!
1/23/2014 starting weight : XX5 lbs

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