Thursday, January 7, 2016

Gone tits up!

OK, I think that saying means things have gone wrong, so instead, apply it literally:
I'm sitting on the couch, with a peanut smuggled up on my chest.. a chest which is half (one boob) hanging out..

After a mental breakdown last night that had me swearing munchkin hadn't gained weight and was latching shallow, and was not transferring enough milk and we were repeating button's poor weight gain.. Today has brought about a new lease on life/nursing - doctor appt indicated she has gained 0.5oz/day since last appt which was "perfect" -  and I attended a BF support group moderated by an IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant) where she latched and nursed PERFECTLY - I have a new drive and confidence that we're gonna do this!!

Just a quick update for now.. I have so much to write just as soon as I have an hour or four to sit at the computer (I had time two days ago, but I used it to edit newborn photos I took, and to order birth announcements..)

Time to tuck in the boob, move baby girl to her PNP and attempt to get a little shut eye..


  1. Omg an update!!!!! Oh, I remember hanging around with my boobs out constantly. Glad to hear all is well.. and you better be posting pictures soon!!!
